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Understanding Anxiety

Sometimes, we worry for even the little things, and more often than not, we brush it off or somebody says to us: You think too much. While that may be the case, it always good to have all bases covered. In an effort to do so, we will discuss one of the most common mental health issues in the world:


General anxiety is a part of a group of ailments called the Anxiety Disorder. They are a group of mental illnesses, and the distress they cause can keep you from carrying on with your life normally.

It can include the following conditions:

-        Panic Disorder
-        Specific Phobias
-        General Anxiety
-        Social Phobia

They interfere with your daily life, and while all of them have different triggers and reactions, they share some common symptoms:
-        Panic, fear, and uneasiness
-        Sleep problems
-        Not being able to stay calm and still
-        Cold, sweaty, numb or tingling hands or feet
-        Shortness of breath
-        Heart palpitations
-        Dry mouth
-        Nausea
-        Tense muscles
-        Dizziness

The causes of anxiety disorders are still unknown. Like a lot of other mental conditions, they stem from a combination of things, including changes in your brain, environmental stress, and even your genes. They often run in families and may be the result of irregular functioning of areas of the brain that control emotions and fears.

Diagnosis often involves looking at the above symptoms and more, and if you suspect you may have any of the symptoms, visit us at Betterfe

The intensity and duration of the symptoms also come into play. In case it is from general stress and the symptoms don’t last more than a few days or weeks
Treatment often includes psychotherapy, and if necessary, medication.
While you let us help you, you can manage the symptoms you might be having with the following steps:
  1.       Cut down on foods and drinks that have caffeine, such as coffee, tea, cola, energy drinks, and chocolate. Caffeine is a mood-altering the drug, and it may make symptoms of anxiety disorders worse. 
  2.       Eat right, exercise, and get better sleep. Brisk aerobic exercises like jogging and biking help release brain chemicals that cut stress and improve your mood.
  3.           Sleep problems and anxiety disorder often go hand in hand. Make getting good rest a priority. Follow a relaxing bedtime routine.

Don’t be afraid to discuss it with your friends and family. If they won’t listen, we will. Click here

Stay safe, be healthy, and remember, you are not alone.


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